Thursday, January 28, 2010

An Introduction

I'm not going to lie.

I'm starting this blog simply because I thought of a name for one.  I could say that I have always wanted to write one (I haven't) or that I am doing this instead of keeping a diary (diary's are for chicks).   I could say that I want to be creative and add something of value to the world (like animated .gifs and webcomics!).  In reality, I was struck with a blog name that I found:

a) Humorous

b) Witty with a potentially high cheese-ball factor

c) Reflective of the discombobulated dross of information I plan on dumping here

It was the kind of moment where you say "That should be a band name!" and then you and your friends (and that weird kid next door) start a bad grunge rock band in the basement.  Only instead of a band, it a blog.  So I went with it.

"Why elephants?" you might ask.  Because they are awesome.  Nobody messes with an elephant unless they want a giant ivory tusk impaled through their vital organs.  The average NEWBORN elephant weighs 260lbs, making it roughly the size of an NFL linebacker.  They are a gentle, peaceful species, wise and majestic, but bring the fight to them and they will wreck your face.  They enjoy showers almost as much as I do (Disney's Jungle Cruise!  If I didn't actually need a decent salary, that would be my job.  Telling god-awful jokes, wearing an Indiana Jones hat and steering a boat that is on a track?  Yes Please!).

Also, their nose is a hand.

But I digress.  This blog will feature (in no particular order):
  • Incoherent ramblings
  • Bad puns
  • Discussions of popular culture (does anyone still care about Paris Hilton?  'Cause I don't.)
  • Sports talk 
  • Random internet discoveries
  • Adventures from Azeroth, Outland and soon to be Northrend
  • The occasional movie review (Loved Avatar, saw it twice... but let's be honest.  It's Pocahontas)
  • Anything geeky / nerdy (as if WoW isn't enough)
  • Gag-tastically cheesy releationship photos
Yeah... on second thought, probably actually not too many of these...

In conclusion:  I will leave comments enabled if anyone feels the urge to argue my perfectly valid points regarding the awesomeness of elephants, but will probably just delete trolls and USC fans (I'm a Human Frost Mage from UCLA.... what do you expect?).